Radiant Petals

Growing flowers to inspire Healing, Growth and Friendship. 



Welcome to Radiant Petals



Flower Education Corner

 "Flowers have immediate and long-term effects on emotional reactions, mood, social behaviors and even memory for both males and females. "

An Environmental Approach to Positive Emotion: Flowers

 "How To Make a Flower Bouquet in Two Minutes"

The Floral Coach | Amy Balsters

 "Patients in hospital rooms with plants and flowers had significantly shorter hospitalizations, fewer intakes of analgesics, lower ratings of pain, anxiety, and fatigue, and more positive feelings and higher satisfaction about their rooms when compared with patients in the control group."

Park, S., and Mattson, R. H. (2009). Therapeutic Influences of Plants in Hospital Rooms on Surgical Recovery

 "I do interact with the garden for sure, but it always feels like a place of joy, I’m not there for the garden. The garden is there for me."

Healing Through Gardening | Stephanie Rose and Joe Lamp'l